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How Often Should You Deep Clean Your House?

Updated: Dec 22, 2021

A deep-cleaned home is a healthy one. Forget to remove dust and debris from surfaces, and you're in for respiratory troubles -- and worse. You don't want to end up with a runny nose and watery eyes simply because you weren't keeping up with your cleaning duties. Work with Spring Into Clean to give your house the deeply clean, desirable look you're after. The task needs completing more often than you'd think.

So, How Often Do I Need a Deep Clean?

The annual "spring cleaning" session that most people do isn't nearly enough. While the final answer is a bit varied, your home definitely needs to be deep cleaned monthly at the very least. The areas of your home that see daily use need daily cleaning. Other tasks can be handled weekly.

Give These Areas a Daily Deep Clean

A few areas need to get scrubbed down well each day. The places where you spend the most time fall into this category, including:

  • Your kitchen counters and tables, where food gets prepared

  • Your kitchen floors, where food crumbs fall

  • Your bedroom, where you sleep -- at least make your bed and keep your room clutter-free

  • Your bathroom -- scrub the shower walls after you use it so soap scum won't build up, and scrub out the toilet at the end of each day

Clean These Places Weekly

Other places around the home only require weekly tidying. When you have a day off or you're free on the weekends, spend a bit of time getting some basic chores accomplished, such as:

  • Mopping floors

  • Vacuuming

  • Wiping down mirrors

  • Cleaning out the tub

  • Washing your towels and bedding

  • Cleaning out your microwave and wiping down other appliances

  • Dusting

Deep Clean the Rest Monthly

The rest of your home that wasn't cleaned well during the daily or weekly chores needs monthly handling. Use the hose on your vacuum to pull up any dust and dirt stuck in cracks along the walls or inside your vents. Dust your blinds and use a rag on light fixtures. Clean out your vacuum and ensure no hair is caught in the wheels or roller. Wipe down doorknobs and handles. Designate a day once per month to tackle those tasks you don't often think about.

What You Should Really Do During Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning isn't the time to deep clean your entire home. Many tasks need to get completed far more often. What you should really do during spring cleaning is tackle those chores that can be handled annually. Wipe down all your windows. Ensure the fireplace is clear. Clean out the gutters outdoors. Wash your curtains. Give your carpet a shampoo. Clear your dryer vent.

Additional House Cleaning Tips

Knowing what to clean is entirely different than knowing how to clean. Take dusting, for example. Don't swipe aimlessly at a surface and hope to capture the dust there. Oftentimes, all you're doing is picking it up and shaking it right into the air to be breathed in. Instead, use a damp cloth that truly takes hold of the dust and dirt and keeps it there until you rinse it away.

It's also wise to keep up on clutter. As part of your daily tasks, you should be picking up loose items and placing them back where they belong. Leaving clutter and having a disorganized home is a quick way to harm your mental health.

We understand how time-consuming cleaning can be. When your schedule doesn't allow you to give your home the deep clean it deserves -- and you deserve -- let us help. Book a deep clean service and let us get your home sanitized and healthy. Utilize our Complete Home Cleaning Package on a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly interval. We'll get it handled.


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